Referencing outside controller from inside namespace

Yesterday, I came across a case where I needed to refer to an outside controller’s action from a namespaced view. It is actually a form, which submits data. So, I needed to use post method.

I updated the route accordingly. Changed the form’s url option, refreshed!

But no! that didn’t work!

Wouldn’t work

I used something like this, let :admin be the namespace.

# route.rb file
# this didn't work
post 'upload_document/:id', to: "documents#upload", as: 'upload_document' 

In the form, I used upload_document_path which didn’t work. Neither this one -

<%= form_for :registration, url: {controller: 'documents', action: 'upload'} do |f| %>
<% end %>

The solution

The solution to this problem was very simple one, but is also tricky.

I had to add a small ‘/’ before the controller name. So the changed form_helper line becomes -

<%= form_for :registration, url: {controller: '/documents', action: 'upload'} do |f| %>
<% end %>

So, to route from inside a namespaced path to outer controller, we should use /controller_name instead of just controller_name.

Hope, this will help someone.