How to make an application appear in OpenWith list in Ubuntu

Ubuntu’s latest releases make it difficult to add an application in Nautilus’s OpenWith list. However, We could make an application appear there anyway. Follow

  1. Go to /usr/share/applications directory. You will see many icons there. These are called .desktop files
  2. Open an application and cd to that directory i.e cd /usr/share/applications
  3. Open the respective application’s .desktop file. For Gedit, it is gedit.desktop. For the old adobe reader for Linux, it is acroread.desktop. I am going to add this.
  4. Open that .desktop file. In my case, it is acroread.desktop.
  5. Find the line with Exec= option. In my case it is Exec=acroread.
  6. Add %u after that application’s name. For example, change it to Exec=acroread %u
  7. Save and Exit. You will see that application’s name in Open With list now